4/22, Earth Day: "Investing in Our Planet"

发表时间 :2022-04-22

作者 :广东盈拓

On April 22, 2022, the world's 52nd Earth Day, this year's theme is "Investing in Our Planet". This theme aims to encourage enterprises, governments and people to act now on climate change and other issues for a sustainable future.

Origin of Earth Day

The first Earth Day was born in 1970, It was intended to commemorate the success of the grassroots movement on the theme of environmental protection launched across the United States in 1969 by 25-year-old Harvard Law student Dennis Hayes in response to the proposal of Democratic Senator Gallo Nielsen.

On April 22, 1970, the first Earth Day rally was attended by 20 million people across the United States (about 10 percent of the entire U.S. population). By 1990, Earth Day went global, with 200 million people in 141 countries participating, according to EARTHDAY.ORG.


Why Celebrate Earth Day?

Earth Day is celebrated to raise public awareness of the environment and to commemorate the annual anniversary of the first Earth Day.

Today, decades later, environmental problems continue to worsen. In order to solve environmental problems, especially climate change, the fight for a clean environment has become more urgent!

Human activities, such as burning fossil fuels, emit heat-trapping carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, caused the global temperature rise; such as the white pollution caused by the abuse and littering of non-degradable plastic products destroyed the ecosystem and caused the waste of oil resources.


Invest in our planet

On the 52nd Earth Day, we encourage enterprises, governments and people to work together for our planet to build a healthy planet where people live in harmony with nature for a sustainable future.

As the largest developing country in China, Chairman Xi Jinping pointed out that to achieve the "dual carbon" goal, we are not asked to do it by others, but we must do it ourselves. China does what it says and unswervingly promotes the construction of ecological civilization, which is not only responsible to the world, but also to future generations. Achieving peak carbon neutrality is China's solemn commitment to the world, and it is also an inherent requirement for China to implement new development concepts, build a new development pattern, and promote high-quality development.

Enterprises, taking Intop as an example, have been fighting at the forefront of environmental protection all the way, taking "investing in our planet" as our responsibility. According to research, for every ton of waste plastic recycled, one ton of coal can be saved, 6 tons of oil can be saved, and 3 tons of carbon dioxide emissions can be reduced, which is equivalent to planting 41 trees. We may be just a small microcosm, only focusing on the recycling of waste plastics industry. But we are bringing positive energy to the industry with our modest power. Adhere to the corporate philosophy of "Bring plastics into harmony with People and Nature", work hard to achieve the "double carbon" goal, and dedicate our all to building a healthy earth.


The editor and the public, 52 years after 1970, do not need to express support for Earth Day by participating in rallies (during the epidemic, do not participate in gatherings),jusstop littering waste plastics, put water bottles in the recycling bin, reduce or recycle plastic products, persevere in doing these "little things", act as a role model and mobilize people around you to participate together, which is to promote the construction of a healthy planet, where people live in harmony with nature, is a big step forward in sustainable development.

Today, April 22, 2022, is the 52nd Earth Day. If you didn't know about this festival before and didn't have the awareness of environmental protection, then we will officially step into the Earth Guard from today, and we will see you next year and share our efforts!